Just a Few Modifications…

Apparently no deal– because there’s been a slight change in plans (err… plan).

I’ll admit, I was an idiot when I was drafting up the reading plan. I don’t think I knew how silly it was for me to set East of Eden as the first book on the list after so many years of… not reading. As much as I admire Mr. Steinbeck’s writing, reading it does require a little more time and concentration on my end since it has been some time since I’ve reading something at this kind of reading level. And to think that I didn’t realize how much of a noob I was until now.

Therefore! I am making a slight modification to the reading list. I’m giving myself an additional month to read East of Eden so that I can actually read it, instead of just powering through it in order to finish it on time. This means that everything will be pushed back by a month, and that Sabriel will be the first book of next year.

Updated reading list is as follows:


East of Eden– by John Steinbeck


The Road– by Cormac McCarthy


The House of the Scorpion– by Nancy Farmer


Sabriel– by Garth Nix

Anyways… back to reading!

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