Back to Basics

I’m back again. Without a review (again).

Life has gotten really busy for me over the past month, and I’m afraid it was so busy that I didn’t have time to read any more of East of Eden. I decided that choosing East of Eden as the first book to start after not having read anything in a while was probably not the best way to pick up old habits again.

Therefore, I am changing the reading list (once again). It’s actually not different from the first reading list that I posted- the only thing different is that I removed East of Eden from the list, and will be attaching it onto to the reading list for next year.

New reading list is as follows:


The Road– by Cormac McCarthy


The House of the Scorpion– by Nancy Farmer


Sabriel– by Garth Nix

Now… back to reading.

Just a Few Modifications…

Apparently no deal– because there’s been a slight change in plans (err… plan).

I’ll admit, I was an idiot when I was drafting up the reading plan. I don’t think I knew how silly it was for me to set East of Eden as the first book on the list after so many years of… not reading. As much as I admire Mr. Steinbeck’s writing, reading it does require a little more time and concentration on my end since it has been some time since I’ve reading something at this kind of reading level. And to think that I didn’t realize how much of a noob I was until now.

Therefore! I am making a slight modification to the reading list. I’m giving myself an additional month to read East of Eden so that I can actually read it, instead of just powering through it in order to finish it on time. This means that everything will be pushed back by a month, and that Sabriel will be the first book of next year.

Updated reading list is as follows:


East of Eden– by John Steinbeck


The Road– by Cormac McCarthy


The House of the Scorpion– by Nancy Farmer


Sabriel– by Garth Nix

Anyways… back to reading!

Month by Month (by Month by Month)

Well hello again!

It’s been what- three years since my last (and first!) post on here? I suck at commitments that require any sort of amount of effort out of me whatsoever- hence why I haven’t been reading (or writing) anything for YEARS!

So what am I doing back on here, you ask?

And the answer is: I don’t really know.

This is just another futile attempt to kick myself back into gear and try to find my way back into… er… some sort of track?

Okay, fine. I’m lying.

To tell you the truth, I’m really just here because- long story short- I tried to create another WordPress blog for my reading notes, buttttttt it turns out that I already had an existing one underneath the email I wanted to create it under.

Why not just create one under a different email, you ask?

Good question… Turns out that I don’t have as many emails as I originally thought and I’m too lazy to go out of my way to create a new one. I don’t want to have to go through the process of coming up with another clever email address (which I’d have to remember), while also trying to churn up a brand new, totally unique and never seen before password for it (which I would also… have to remember- noticing a pattern here?). Same goes for creating another WordPress blog. Rinse and repeat.

So, as previously mentioned before, I’m back on here, except that it’s  going to be different this time as this blog will finally serve some sort of purpose. I’m turning this into my reading blog where I’ll throw some reviews along with some random notes that I took while journeying through a featured book of the month that was chosen by yours truly. And yes! I have already chosen the books that I’ll be focusing on for the remainder of this year.

Here is the list:


East of Eden– by John Steinbeck


The Road– by Cormac McCarthy


The House of the Scorpion– by Nancy Farmer


Sabriel– by Garth Nix

Reviews will be posted for each book sometime during the last week of the month, along with any notes or any interesting questions or things that I discovered while reading it posted sometime after.

So on this note, I’m gonna go get started on Steinbeck’s East of Eden and I’ll try to get back with a review for it sometime towards the end of this month.


First Blog Post

Why hello there.

Fancy meeting you on this… err… extremely random corner of the web.

How did you end up here?

But most importantly…


What are you still doing here?

Ah yes… of course.

You’re eagerly slurping up these words as they appear on the screen- the very same words that I am furiously typing away at before I forget everything I wanted to get-

Oh look. I forgot. Damn.

Then in that case.

Welcome to my blog. This is a simple blog, created by a simple girl, aiming to (someday) be a simple author in this not so simple world.

Please. Take a seat, and enjoy your stay.

More words will be coming your way.


But not today.